Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anyone going to Anime Central in May

Is anyone going to Anime Central which is being held in Rosemont on Mother's Day weekend? Both of my kids are going and I'd love a few details. Is it worth the $$$ to go?


  1. I have never been there and won't be going this year. Sorry I can't help. Maybe check out their website and forums?

    Well my one friend said to me: No... Staff treats most people like asses, security are asses, it's filled with nothing but fanbois and elitests.

    It has a TON of people... very crowded (I went to A-kon which usually have 8,000+ close to 12,000+ [if I remember correctly] and my friend says there's more than that at AC) and they have horrible registration.

  2. I'm going and I went last year. I had fun, but it's mostly aimed at kids. The dealers room is SOOO amazing.

    I would say there were maybe 3-4000 people last year, maybe less.

    I did preregistration both years and they mailed my badge to me so I won't have to wait in any lines.
